About Us

The Imperative for Black Georgians

In an era marked by social awakening, it's imperative that Black Georgians' voices are heard and echoed with actions that carry weight and substance. The Contract with Black Georgia, an initiative under the banner of the Equitable Growth Fund (EGF), is a testament to this commitment. Crafted under the visionary leadership of its Founder and President, Dr. Rickie Keys, the Contract is more than just words—it's a declaration of intent.

Download the Contract with Black Georgia

Black Georgians have long shown unwavering loyalty, especially toward the Democratic Party. Yet, this loyalty has often been met with lukewarm acknowledgment, lacking a discernible return on investment. As a community, we have given so much, but the scales of mutual benefit have been glaringly imbalanced. The Contract seeks to rebalance these scales—to ensure that the loyalty of Black Georgians isn't taken for granted but instead is met with tangible actions that bring real value.

The Equitable Growth Fund (EGF) and The Contract

The EGF is an emblem of optimism and proactive change. Rooted in principles of justice, equity, and growth, its initiatives aim to pave a brighter, more equitable future for Black Georgians. The Contract with Black Georgia is one of its seminal initiatives, underlining the Fund's dedication and commitment.

Expansive Partnerships for a Unified Vision

Understanding that collective action yields more significant results, we're proud to partner with the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus and other esteemed organizations. This collaboration ensures expansive support, creating a resonant voice that cannot be ignored. With such alliances, the Contract amplifies its promise to African Americans in Georgia—providing something tangible to vote for rather than just a looming threat to vote against.

Our mission isn't just to resist the proverbial "boogie man" and actively build a future where every Black Georgian finds equitable representation, opportunities, and growth.

Candidate & Partner Grading System

A firm commitment to transparency and accountability lies at the heart of the Contract with Black Georgia. Recognizing the power of informed decision-making, we've implemented a rigorous grading system for candidates and partners based on their alignment with the principles and priorities of the Contract.

Our grading system ranks individuals and entities—irrespective of political affiliation or corporate leanings. The foundation of this ranking is threefold:

  1. Contract Signature: A direct commitment to the principles and actions outlined in the Contract.
  2. Voting Records: An evaluation of past and present decisions aligned with our community's priorities.
  3. Public Statements & Responses: Scrutiny of public declarations and candid responses to the Contract with Black Georgia questionnaire.

The Contract with Black Georgia operates on a straightforward premise: when presented with undeniable truths, elected officials, corporate partners, and community organizations will grasp that policies or schemes undermining the Black Community's quality of life are counterproductive to the American ethos and our community's thriving future.

The essence of our initiative is captured eloquently in a single realization: undermining the rights, quality of life, and potential of the Black community is not only an injustice to us but a disservice to the entire nation.

Our grading isn't about partisanship or commercial ties—it's about transparency, accountability, and the unwavering pursuit of justice and equity for Black Georgians.


The journey ahead is long, but with the Contract with Black Georgia, we're taking decisive steps in the right direction. We refuse to expect anything in return for our unwavering support and loyalty. With the Contract as our guiding document, we are ensuring a negotiated process where mutual benefit isn't just an aspiration but a steadfast commitment.

Join us on this pivotal journey. Stand with us as we champion equity, justice, and a brighter future for all Black Georgians.