Get Involved

An Enlightened Future for Black Georgians Begins with You.

The path to justice, equity, and progress requires the dedication and commitment of policymakers, organizations, and every Georgian. The challenges faced by the Black community in Georgia are profound and deeply rooted in historical context, from economic disparities to governance hurdles. But with collective effort, we can usher in an era of unparalleled equity, justice, and prosperity.

Download the Contract with Black Georgia

How Can You Make a Difference?

  1. Volunteer: Contribute your time and expertise to grassroots initiatives and community outreach programs. By working on the ground, you can help implement the key acts and resolutions designed to uplift Black Georgians.
  2. Donate: Every dollar can make an impact. Your financial support will bolster key projects, including desert mapping, mental health access enhancement, and infrastructure improvements in historically underserved areas.
  3. Advocate: Raise awareness about the critical acts and resolutions, such as the 'Georgia Wealth Gap Rectification Act of 2024' or the 'Voter Integrity and Transparency Act of 2024.' You can help keep these topics at the forefront of policy discussions by engaging in dialogues.
  4. Community Engagement: Attend community forums, town halls, and workshops addressing the contract's challenges. By joining these spaces, you lend your voice to the collective call for change, and you'll also gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of each issue.

Resources for Action: Dive deeper into each act, resolution, and memo of understanding. Familiarize yourself with the intricate details of being a well-informed advocate. Access toolkits and reading materials, and join community discussions.

Your Involvement is Our Strength: Remember, the success of the Contract with Black Georgia hinges on collective participation. Your involvement is not just welcomed; it's essential. Together, we will champion solutions that ensure justice, equity, and progress for every Black individual in Georgia.

Join us today and be a beacon of change!