
Ensuring a Brighter Future for Black Georgians

At the heart of our commitment to rectifying longstanding disparities Black Georgians face is the creation of robust legislative acts and the stringent enforcement of these acts. It is vital to have measures in place that don’t just address the issues but also ensure that progress is tangible and continuous.

Download the Contract with Black Georgia

The Contract with Black Georgia isn't merely an agreement; it's a pledge to a brighter, more equitable future. Yet, robust monitoring and accountability systems are paramount for these promises to translate into tangible actions. Here's how we ensure each entity is adhering to the commitments they've made:

1. Politicians: The Political Accountability Index

Every politician, regardless of affiliation, is under the scanner of the Political Accountability Index. Their grades are determined by:

  • Contractual Commitment: The foremost indicator is their signature on the Contract. This signature is a pledge to uphold the rights and improve the quality of life for Black Georgians.
  • Voting Patterns: We evaluate their voting history, especially on policies directly influencing our community's priorities.
  • Public Engagements: Politicians' public statements and responsiveness to the Contract with Black Georgia questionnaire are significant grading parameters.

2. Key Stakeholders: Community Engagement Score

Individuals and entities that play pivotal roles in community building undergo the Community Engagement Score assessment:

  • Active Participation: Stakeholders are judged on their consistency and intensity of involvement in initiatives directly benefiting Georgia's Black population.
  • Results-Driven Action: Quality over quantity. It's not just about involvement but the tangible, positive change that emerges from their endeavors.

3. Corporations: The Corporate Responsibility Spectrum

Corporations wield enormous influence, and their support can be transformative. Their assessment is based on the Corporate Responsibility Spectrum:

  • Financial & General Support: A look into their financial contributions, partnerships, and sponsorships geared towards uplifting Black Georgians.
  • Employment Opportunities: Scrutiny into their hiring practices, promotions, and work culture. A keen eye is kept on inclusivity, representation, and fair treatment.
  • Contractual Avenues: Review their subcontracting and vendor partnerships with Black-owned businesses, ensuring equitable opportunities for all.
  • Holistic Engagement: Beyond the tangibles, we also measure the intangibles: training, community programs, scholarships, internships, and other avenues through which corporations can mold a brighter future for Black Georgians.

In essence, the Contract with Black Georgia's monitoring system is a beacon, illuminating the path of commitment and dedication each party has pledged. Through meticulous scrutiny and a steadfast commitment to transparency, we aim to ensure that every signature, every promise, and every pledge sees the light of day, translating into a better tomorrow for Black Georgians.

Policy Accountability

Compliance & Enforcement: Every legislation, from the "Georgia Wealth Gap Rectification Act of 2024" to the "Voter Integrity and Transparency Act of 2024," has specific enforcement clauses. These clauses detail the penalties for non-compliance and the responsible governmental bodies overseeing enforcement, such as the Georgia Environmental Protection Division for the "Georgia Environmental Health Equity Act of 2024".

Measurable Outcomes: To measure progress, it’s not enough to have acts in place; we need metrics. Acts like the "Breaking Georgia's Cycle of Incarceration Act of 2024" require annual reporting on measurable outcomes. Metrics like recidivism and employment rates post-incarceration will provide clear indicators of the impact of the legislation on Black communities in Georgia.

Accountability Mechanisms: Beyond metrics, accountability mechanisms are crucial. This includes establishing bodies like the Office of Desert Mapping and Intervention (ODMI) under the "Georgia Desert Mapping and Intervention Act of 2024". Such entities are designed to regularly audit, assess, and recommend improvements to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the legislation.

Your Role in Monitoring: Participation from the community is vital. We encourage all Georgians, especially Black ones, to actively monitor these acts. Report inconsistencies, suggest improvements, and be the change agents driving the state's commitment to equity and justice.

The Monitoring section is a pledge of our unwavering commitment to transparency, progress, and continuous improvement. It's about ensuring that the legislation we champion truly makes a difference in the lives of Black Georgians.