The Contract with Black Georgia: Addressing Infrastructure In Every Zip Code

The Contract with Black Georgia: Addressing Infrastructure In Every Zip Code


In an era where calls for justice and equity reverberate nationwide, the spotlight shines brightly on Black Georgians' myriad challenges. The Contract with Black Georgia is more than ink on paper—it's the heartbeat of a community and a beacon of hope. It signifies a staunch commitment to addressing systemic issues, laying a firm foundation for an equitable future where every Black Georgian thrives.

Download the Contract with Black Georgia

Deciphering the Framework: Infrastructure Index

Infrastructure—the very backbone of a community's day-to-day existence. However, for many Black Georgians, certain regions present vast voids, lacking essential services. These are the 'deserts'—areas bereft of crucial amenities like health and food services, credit access, or robust digital connectivity.

Georgia Desert Mapping and Intervention Act of 2024

Purpose: A thriving community is one where every resident enjoys unhampered access to vital services. This Act magnifies the spots on Georgia's map that have long been overlooked:

  • Pinpointing regions are devoid of essential infrastructure.
  • Orchestrating tailored interventions to bridge these glaring gaps.

Obligation: It's not just about identifying these deserts; it's about filling them. To that end, the Contract mandates:

  • The establishment of the Office of Desert Mapping and Intervention (ODMI), a pivotal arm dedicated to ensuring every Georgian, irrespective of their address, has equitable access to crucial services.
  • Collaborative projects, innovative solutions, and targeted investments under the aegis of ODMI to transform these deserts into thriving hubs.

Download the Full Act here for in-depth insight.

Panorama of the Contract

The Infrastructure Index is one tile in the vast mosaic, the Contract with Black Georgia. The document echoes the resounding truths of:

  • Social hindrances, with the specters of institutionalized racism, voter suppression, and disproportionately high incarceration rates.
  • Environmental nuances encapsulate broader themes like environmental racism and specifics like brownfield cleanup.
  • The health disparities showcase the uneven ground in terms of healthcare access and alarming stats around chronic diseases.
  • The educational chasm, a divide magnified by digital inequities, challenges confronting HBCUs, and the chronic underfunding of Black community schools.
  • The subtle yet significant infrastructural disparities and the political whirlwinds threaten the very essence of democracy for the Black community.

Charting the Route Ahead

The Contract with Black Georgia is both a map and a compass. It charts the course, detailing every challenge and pointing toward robust, actionable solutions. But its true essence lies in collective action. While it delineates the path, the journey is a collective endeavor.

Grasp the gravity of each index. Delve into the acts. Grasp their significance. With comprehension comes the power to make a tangible difference. Advocacy takes a sharper edge, volunteering finds direction, and donations amplify impact.


The Contract with Black Georgia is more than a document—a movement. A collective cry for justice, a roadmap towards equity, and a testament to the indomitable spirit of Black Georgians. Let this be your guide, your inspiration. As you traverse this path, let every word resonate, let every act ignite a fire within, and let every step be in harmony with the rhythm of progress and change.

Deepen Your Understanding: Venture into other sections of this platform. Dive deep into the different indices, acts, and resolutions. Let the knowledge galvanize you, fortifying your commitment to ushering in a renaissance for Black Georgians.