Time to Honor the Contract with Black Georgia: The Heartbeat of Democracy

Time to Honor the Contract with Black Georgia: The Heartbeat of Democracy


Georgia's transformation into a Democratic stronghold has been heralded nationwide. Yet, at its core, a significant community's aspirations remain unmet. Black Georgians, who have been at the forefront of this political shift, now stand at a crossroads, demanding not just words but tangible action.

When Joe Biden, John Ossoff, and Raphael Warnock sought to lead, Georgia's Black voters heeded their call, standing strong against barriers and braving long lines to cast their votes. And yet, what have we received in return? It's crucial to understand that the transformation journey, while trending in the right direction, is still far from over.

Download the Open Letter from Chairman Carl Gilliard of the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus (GLBC)

Unwavering Support but Diminishing Returns

  • Overwhelming Support: Georgia's black voters propelled Biden, Ossoff, and Warnock to victory.
  • Critical Data:
  • Biden's margin of victory was a mere 10,000 votes.
  • Black voters make up about 30% of Georgia's electorate.
  • Where's the Benefit? Despite this overwhelming support, discernible benefits for the Black community remain elusive.

The Reality: Friends Help Friends

Isn't it a universal truth that friends help friends? One would expect that this overwhelming support would translate into discernible, measurable benefits for the Black community. However, the reality paints a different picture. Our hard work, dedication, and unwavering loyalty have yet to be adequately compensated.

Motivation Wanes Without Tangible Benefits

  • Past Efforts: Black voters have worked tirelessly over the past three election cycles.
  • Facing Barriers: From standing in lengthy lines, braving the elements, to facing voter suppression efforts.
  • The result? A palpable drop in motivation. Why? Because the tangible benefits we've been promised are nowhere in sight.

Georgia's Future is Black: Recognize & Act

The long-term trajectory of Georgia and states with similar demographics is clear: their future is Black. Yet, to sustain this momentum:

  1. Support the Contract with Black Georgia: Championed by the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus (GLBC) and its Chairman, Representative Carl Gilliard, this Contract serves as a manifesto for change. It isn’t just another document; it’s a demand for action.
  2. Recognize the Power of the Black Caucus: Boasting the largest Black Caucus in the United States, these members were instrumental in Biden's victory, flipping Georgia for the first time since 1992. Their influence and importance cannot be overstated.
  3. Shift the Approach: Gone are the days when celebrity endorsements alone can drive a vote. We need actionable change, not last-minute rallying calls.

A Renewed Imagination & Approach

  • Reject Hollow Gestures: Celebrity endorsements, while appreciated, are no substitute for genuine policy changes. Black Georgians demand more than an occasional pep talk.
  • 2024 and Beyond: We must be proactive, not reactive. The time to start acting is now. We cannot wait for the next election cycle to be wooed again without discernible results.
  • Unified Effort: The Contract with Black Georgia is a collective effort. It requires the support of every stakeholder, from local and state representatives to federal officials and community leaders. And, of course, the party that has been the biggest beneficiary of our loyalty: the Democrats.

Conclusion: Georgia's Blue Lifeboat

The narrative is clear: Georgia stands as a beacon of hope, a blue lifeboat amidst a sea of red. To ensure that this remains the case, every single one of us must acknowledge and act on the demands and aspirations of Black Georgians.

Call-to-Action: Don't Just Hope, Act

It's not enough to appreciate Black Georgians' efforts; it's time to act. Let's rally behind the Contract with Black Georgia, support the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus, and ensure the state's transformation is political and tangible in its benefits. The time for change is now, and we stand at the helm of this new dawn. Let’s ensure that we move forward together.